Absen Polaris PL2.5 with Brompton Processing LED

One of the key benefits of Absen Polaris PL2.5 with Brompton Processing in Virtual Production Shoots is that is allows for enhanced control over the production process and exceptional image quality. The Brompton Processing system allows for seamless image processing, colour calibration and advanced mapping, making it easier to create virtual environments that look and feel realistic. This system also enables real-time adjustments to the LED panel, which is essential for creating dynamic virtual environments that respond to changes in lighting or camera angles.

This LED panel features a high resolution of 2.5mm and a high refresh rate of 7680Hz, which allows for smooth motion and crisp, clear images. Another notable feature of the Absen Polaris PL2.5 LED panel is the curvature range of -7.5° - 10° allowing filmmakers to create concave or convex screens of various sizes, shapes and curvatures. By using curved screens, filmmakers can create environments that are more dynamic and visually interesting, such as curved tunnels, archways, or other unique shapes. This can help to make virtual sets and environments feel more organic and natural, rather than flat and static.

The 1:8 scan ratio of the Absen Polaris PL2.5 LED panel is a valuable feature that provides several benefits for virtual production. It allows for higher pixel density and resolution, greater vertical flexibility in designing virtual sets and enables high-quality video content without distortion or loss of detail. These benefits make the Absen Polaris PL2.5 LED panel a powerful tool for creating realistic and engaging virtual environments in film and television production.

SIlvertown Studios is elated with this high quality on-camera LED technology! If you have a Virtual Production project coming up and need to use the amazing Absen PL2.5 LED get in touch with our team today for more information.


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